About the Journal

Focus and Scope

ergo is the peer reviewed Open Access journal of the Higher Education Research Group Adelaide (HERGA). It publishes scholarly research about teaching and learning issues, debates and practices in higher edcuation from a wide variety of theoretical perspectives and disciplinary orientations. ergo aims to provide a forum for publication of high quality research papers about teaching and learning including, but not limited to, novel teaching methods, student assessment, the evaluation of learning and teaching, the application of new technologies to teaching, and student characteristics and their influence on teaching and learning. Articles appearing in ergo result from a variety of methodological approaches. We welcome work from scholars across a range of career stages.

Articles with a primary focus outside the area of university learning and teaching should be submitted to other journals. We strongly encourage papers that are interdisciplinary and that deal with novel methods that are immediately applicable to enhance teaching and learning. The primary criteria for acceptance of papers is that the research is of high quality, novel, significant, and clearly of interest to a national and international audience.


Peer Review Process

Each paper submitted is subject to the following review procedures:

  • It is first reviewed by the editor for general suitability for this journal
  • If it is judged suitable, two reviewers are selected and a double blind review of the entire paper takes place.
  • Based on the recommendations of the reviewers, the editor then decide whether the particular article should be accepted as it is, revised or rejected

Publication Frequency

We aim to have a turn around of 6 weeks from submission to final decision about your manuscript. Once your manuscript was accepted for publication it will be published online within two weeks.

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


ergo is the journal of the Higher Education Research Group of Adelaide (HERGA).

Journal History

The Higher Education Research Group Adelaide (HERGA) journal,ergo, is designed to promote the scholarship of University teaching and learning.
The journal is published online and is supported by the University of Adelaide, Flinders University and The University of South Australia.
Following an initial assessment by the Editor, articles will be peer reviewed by two independent reviewers in compliance with DEEWR requirements.