Development and evaluation of an iPad application as an e-learning tool for technical wine assessment
Objective training in technical wine evaluation is a critical component of wine education and the ability to recognise and describe wine sensory attributes using formal descriptive language is a key learning outcome for viticulture/oenology and wine business students alike. Wine evaluation is taught and assessed during formal sensory practicals, however, a significant proportion of students’ tasting experience occurs outside the classroom, and thus, is never evaluated. Furthermore, diversity in the backgrounds and life experiences of students studying wine-related courses also presents several unique learning and teaching challenges; with significant differences observed between domestic and international students’ participation in and perceptions of wine sensory evaluation. This paper describes the development and evaluation of My Wine World, an iPad application designed specifically for technical wine assessment. The development process and evaluation results are reported here. The application’s capacity to develop and demonstrate students’ sensory skills and experiences is also discussed.
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