About the Journal
The Allied Health Scholar is a contemporary international journal that offers a platform for independent and innovative research and thinking about issues that impact on allied health practitioners and their clients. We seek scholarly and critical submissions on subjects of interest and all articles must engage with current scholarship and will be rigorously peer reviewed. We provide a platform for a variety of papers, and amongst other papers, actively encourage the showcasing of high quality student-work and entry-level research papers.
The editorial team is a collective group of Allied Health professionals from the University of South Australia, with a global initiative to improve the quality and safety of allied health practice. Our mission is to contribute to better health and wellbeing for all, through evidence-based interventions. We work locally, nationally and globally to create new knowledge and translate evidence into practice, partnering with researchers, clinicians, educators, policy makers, government, industry, professional and consumer groups and the broader community.
Published twice per year, the journal is a not-for profit, open access e- journal, making scholarly published papers available to readers for free. Our submitted papers undergo independent blinded peer review, with oversight from the editorial team. All primary research study papers need to indicate ethics approval and all papers need to conform to accepted reporting standards including statements regarding conflicts of interest.
The journal publishes high quality research and other outputs – including primary studies and secondary studies (i.e. systematic reviews, scoping reviews), scholarship of teaching and learning, and non-traditional research outputs (e.g. project reports). We accept viewpoint/ commentary articles and other innovative types of relevant communication styles including infographics etc. The Allied Health Scholar encourages active client and public involvement in research and thinking related to the production of allied health practice.
The journal accepts papers relating to all Allied Health Professions including, students, consumers, teaching academics, researchers and practitioners: Arts Therapy; Audiology; Chiropractic; Diagnostic Radiography; Dietetics; Exercise Physiology; Genetic counselling; Music Therapy; Occupational Therapy; Optometry; Orthoptics; Orthotics (prosthetics); Osteopathy; Perfusion; Pharmacy; Physiotherapy; Podiatry; Psychology; Rehabilitation; Counselling; Social Work; Sonography; Speech Pathology; Nuclear medicine technician
ISSN 2652-7472